My Next Project

My gardening results in North Carolina have been dismal. I was excited to finally live somewhere that wasn’t such a challenge to grow things as in the high altitude of Flagstaff, the super dry conditions in Cheyenne, or the extremely short season in Alaska. Yet, for the most part, here, I was just feeding the bugs.

After a few years, I just gave up. I was wasting a lot of money each year for little or no harvest so I decided spend my money to support the many Farmer’s Markets in the area. I followed that plan for a few years but it sure does nothing to satisfy my urge to plant a garden.

I decided to go back to container gardening for this season. I’ve had good results in the past with it and while buying soil is expensive, it’s not as expensive as amending the nasty clay soil I have. I brought a few large planters from Cheyenne and that would give me a good start. For the past couple weeks, I have been drooling over seed catalogs and dreaming about this year’s garden.

This week I got an email indicating I had won $100 prize for what I thought was a Greenstalk vertical planter. I was ecstatic! I first learned of the Greenstalk planter while watching a You Tube channel, Cog Hill Farm. They cost a bit over $160 each though so it was just a wish for the future. $100 off would make it doable now!

I went on the Greenstalk site and discovered they were having a sale and were only $109! Well, at that price, with a $100 off, I could get two!

When I pulled up the email for the coupon code, though, I realized it was for a different vertical planter. It is an impressive growing system to be sure, but it costs $359! Even with $100 off, that was still $259 and I just couldn’t do it. The planter was worth it but I was not prepared to plunk down that much money.

I could take advantage of the Greenstalk sale though and I ordered one Thursday and it arrived this morning!

Let the garden planning continue in earnest!


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